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to those who don't want to go to school

Updated: at 04:07 PM

I'm 28, I did everything "right" I graduated high school, went to a University. I did my 4 yrs- graduated got my degree. Now I'm unemployed with no certainty in my future and in debt. I finally got interviewed- 1 grocery store, then a medical office completely unrelated to my degree. SO IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GO TO A UNIVERSITY, try a trade school, you gain experience while doing. Your degree doesn't matter until it does (science/stem areas), but NOT FOR ART/FILM/ASSISTANT(some company's do) LEVEL WORK. I don't regret what's happening to me, as a matter of fact I'm not discouraged. I wouldn't go back to change my degree. What I would do is change my perspective- be more open minded. Talk to more people and just vibe with them. People ARE willing to help you just have to be vocal. The only real "OPPS" are those that can see the light in you, you just have to explore who you are first. Heal younger, do whatever the fuck you want cuz at the end of the day no one else should really care except you. Like Drake(unfortunately) said "YOLO." When you're young people are more receptive in helping too so take advantage, don't be shy.- xoxo